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篇名 台灣北部地區不同耕犁方式之輪作模式收益分析
卷期 39:2
並列篇名 Analysis of Rotation Income of Different Plough Ways in Northern Taiwan
作者 楊志維林禎祥
頁次 111-118
關鍵字 耕犁輪作收益ploughcrop rotationincomeTSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.201812_39(2).0002


本試驗旨在探討不同耕犁方式之輪作模式對土壤肥力及作物產量與收益之影響。試驗 處理儉採6種不同耕犁方式之輪作模式。試驗結果顯示,適合北部地區之輪作模式以第1 期作不整地種植青割玉米,中間作不整地種植綠肥田菁,第2期作種植早熟水稻品種,裡 作不整地種植小麥收益最佳,淨收益每公頃達56,970元。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different plough rotation patterns on soil fertility, crop yield and income. The test treatments were six different plough methods of rotation mode. The results show that the best rotation model income suitable for the northern region was to plant forage corn without tillage in the first crop season, followed by green manure crop Sesbania aegyptica without tillage in the middle crop season, early maturing rice varieties in the second crop season, and wheat growing without tillage in the winter crop season. The net income reached NTD 56,970 per hectare.
