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篇名 永續農業對土壤有機碳庫的影響
卷期 39:1
並列篇名 Impact of Sustainable Agriculture on Soil Organic Carbon Pools
作者 朱衍臻李宗翰楊志維黃文達
頁次 085-096
關鍵字 有機農業土壤有機碳庫碳封存organic agriculturesoil organic carbon poolCarbon sequestrationTSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.201806_39(1).0006


在現今關注地球暖化及能源議題的情況下,有機農業因減少使用化學肥料及農藥,對 環境生態的多樣性有明顯的助益,且有機耕作投入大量有機堆肥,改善土壤品質,促進作 物生長,而透過根部碳素釋入亦増加耕地土壤有機碳,可有效的將碳固定於土壤中。土壤 有機碳庫(Soil organic carbon pool)是指土壤中所有有機含碳物質之總含量或儲存量,其儲量 之變動會直接影響土壤供給作物氮、磷、鉀及各大量與微量營養元素之能力;亦會影響土 壤之物理性質及生物活性如團粒構造以及微生物組成與活性等。土壤有機碳庫是一動態性 之碳庫,即不單只是將碳素封存,亦會因自然或人為因素而釋放碳素至其他碳庫中;自然 因素如環境溫度、土壤質地、土壤濕度、植被之種類及環境微生物相等因素,人為因素如 土地利用之型態、種植作物之種類、栽培管理之方式皆會不同程度的封存或釋放碳素。因 此利用永續農業之生產方式増加土壤碳庫之碳封存,並期望逐年増加土壤有機碳貯量,以 逐步恢復台灣生態系。


Under the current situation of warming and energy issues, organic agriculture has obvious benefits to the diversity of the environment and ecology by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and organic farming inputs a large amount of organic compost to improve soil quality and promote crop growth. The release of carbon through the roots also increases the soil organic carbon in the cultivated land, which effectively fixes the carbon in the soil. Soil organic carbon pool (Soil organic carbon pool) refers to the total content or storage of all organic carbon-containing materials in the soil. Changes in its reserves directly affect the ability of soil to supply crops with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and various macro and micronutrients. It will also affect the physical properties of the soil and biological activity such as pellet structure and microbial composition and activity. Soil organic carbon pool is a dynamic carbon pool, that is not only the storage of carbon, but also due to natural or human factors to release carbon into other carbon pools; natural factors such as ambient temperature, soil texture, soil moisture, vegetation The species and environmental microbiological factors are equal, and human factors such as the type of land use, the type of crops planted, and the manner of cultivation and management all have different degrees of sequestration or release of carbon. Therefore, sustainable agricultural production methods are used to increase carbon sequestration in soil carbon pools, and it is expected to increase soil organic carbon storage year by year in order to gradually restore the Taiwan ecosystem.
