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篇名 海外覓鄉音:檳城福建歌謠調查及其在地記憶
卷期 202
並列篇名 In Search of Hometown Accent Abroad: Investigation of Hokkien Ballads and Their Local Memory in Penang
作者 黃文車
頁次 181-219
關鍵字 檳城閩南語歌謠鄉音在地記憶PenangHokkienballadhometown accentlocal memoryTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201812




The investigation and research of Southern Fujian (Hokkien) ballads is an important segment of folk literature and/or Southern Fujian culture. When we shift the research field to Singapore and Malaysia, we can, through studying the transmission and variation, con-duct a comparative research on the Hokkien Ballads. Furthermore, when we take the Hokkien Ballads as a vehicle or text, then, through the migration of ballads, we can observe how folk literature or popular culture manages to pass on the tradition and localize its development in the changing process of time and space.
Through the investigation and compilation of Hokkien Ballads in Penang, we find the Hokkien nursery rhymes, Baba (峇峇) Hokkien Ballads and songs from traditional Fujian opera still active there. These are ancient tunes from their native hometown Fujian. However, after the local Chinese society saw their third generation, the phenomenon of "anti-diaspora" and "modern diaspora" arose. When the Chinese communities in Penang began to integrate into local culture and language, ancient tunes also faced a “dialect-localization.” Due to displaced time and space as well as multicultural integration in Singapore and Malaysia, the Hokkien ballads and modern Hokkien songs developed a “Nanyang accent” that, while demonstrating local characteristics and elements of entertainment, is still reminiscent of ancestral cultural memories.
