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篇名 金堂家鄉、玄關自性與歸鄉之道:齋教金堂派的教名、教旨及修持方法考探
卷期 202
並列篇名 Golden Hometown, Xuanguan Essence and the Way of Returning to the Original Source: An Exploration of the Name, Teachings and Practice Methods of the Jintang Sect of Zhaijiao
作者 蕭進銘
頁次 001-058
關鍵字 金堂教金幢教玄關內丹家鄉Jintang sectJinchuan sectXuanguanInner Alchemyoriginal hometownTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201812




Among the three sects of Zhaijiao, Jintang sect has received the least scholarly attention but has had the most unresolved problems. However, the Jintang sect, rich in Taoism, Zen, and Inner Alchemy connotations, was not only the important beginning of the introduction of Inner Alchemy into Taiwan, but influenced the other two sects, Longhua and Xiantian. Jintang sect is very important for an understanding of these two other sects and the spread and development of Inner Alchemy in the popular society of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
This article uses document analysis, field surveys, and in-depth interviews to discuss in detail the controversy of the name of Jintang sect and the relationship between Jintang sect and Taoist Inner Alchemy. According to the investigation of this article, “Jintang” is the original, traditional, and most appropriate name of Jintang sect. The emergence and widespread use of the name “Jinchuang,” which has been used till today, is actually due to the official intervention of the Japanese colonial government. It is necessary to re-consider the need to continue this name. In terms of practice, Jintang sect is deeply influenced by Zen Buddhism and Taoism, and Inner Alchemy. It also has its unique and new creations. Among them, Inner Alchemy has the deepest influence. Therefore, Jintang sect is a sect which practices Buddhism and Taoism teachings, and especially Inner Alchemy. This paper aims to contribute to the settlement of the Jintang sect’s controversy, as well as the under-standing of the Jintang sect’s core teachings and the Inner Alchemy practice.
