
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Botryomycosis of Orofacial Region: A Rare Case Report
卷期 38:6
作者 Devika S. PillaiSubhas BabuShruthi HegdeVidya AjilaG. Sachin Ram
頁次 287-291
關鍵字 BotryomycosisgranulomatousinfectionMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_20_18



Botryomycosis is a rare chronic granulomatous infection that usually involves the skin and rarely viscera. The main causative organism is Staphylococcus aureus, and rarely, Pseudomonas and Escherichia coli. Both cutaneous and visceral forms of the disease are recognized. Botryomycosis may develop in apparently healthy individuals as well as the immunologically compromised. The involvement of orofacial region is rare in the literature. Diagnosing botryomycosis is very challenging. Dental specialists require thorough knowledge regarding the features and management of this infrequent entity in their practice. Isolation of the causative agent and antibiotic susceptibility tests are essential to provide appropriate treatment. We hereby report a rare case of a 37‑year‑old healthy male with recurrent episodes of botryomycosis involving the orofacial region. The present report highlights the clinical and histopathologic features of botryomycosis with literature review.

