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篇名 神在此間:浙江鄉村醮儀召請科儀本中的空間觀念折衝
卷期 201
並列篇名 Deities Reside Within: Negotiation of the Spatial Concept in the Summon Ritual Script of the Rural Jiao in South Zhejiang
作者 屈嘯宇彭連生
頁次 101-167
關鍵字 香通觀一地─三天都╱保比例此間土地里域真官Xiangtongguanthe three heavensdistrict/settlementTrue Official of This Land and Districtspatial conceptTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201809




This article is a case study of the Xiangtongguan, a Daoist jiao ritual script prevalent in southeast Zhejiang. I discuss the dual-spatial concept between the Daoist scriptures and local pantheon and how the concept influenced the inception of ritual texts. The core feature of Xiangtongguan is its Daoist cosmology of jiao ritual. It contains on the one hand a specific geographic area, which I called “the local,” that reflects the distribution of local temples and deities; on the other hand a dual structure of ritual placement constituted by “the local” and the “three heavens.” Based on analysis of changes occurring in stages of jiao ritual placement and relations of ritual characters found in manuscripts collected from five kinds of “Masters,” I conclude that the morphological characteristics of the Xiangtongguan text was a result of the negotiation between perspectives of “the local” and “the three heavens.” Editors of the scriptures employ the “district/settlement” framework as a guideline to select and integrate the ritual content. This process of choice and integration is closely related with the concept of “True Official of This Land and District” of the Daoist tradition and temple worship of folk religion. The territorial, intermediary and space-conversional characteristics of “True Official of This Land and District” enabled the heteroge neous spatial concepts between the Daoist scriptures and folk religion practices to negotiate during the conversion and expansion of “order/ disorder.” Eventually, they propel the forming of a ritual text with dual spatial spheres. It is with this kind of ritual texts that local Daoist ritualists maintain a balance between elite religious knowledge and local ritual experience, and become crucial members of the local social-religious ecosystem.
