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篇名 香港潮僑盂蘭勝會的「申遺」與潮屬社群的重建
卷期 201
並列篇名 The Designation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Yulan Ghost Festival and the Re-construction of Ethnic Chaozhou Communities in Hong Kong
作者 呂永昇
頁次 065-100
關鍵字 族群非物質文化遺產香港盂蘭節移民社區ethnicityintangible cultural heritageHong KongYulan Festivalimmigrant communitiesTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201809


每年農曆七月的盂蘭勝會,是中國民間重要的節日,香港盂蘭勝會的 活動更發揮着宗教、社交與凝聚社群認同等各項功能。除了是救度祈安、慎 終追遠的儀式行為外,盂蘭勝會也是不同族群在香港植根發展,進行社會整 合,建構不同身分認同的工具。2011 年,香港潮人的盂蘭勝會成功申報為國 家級非物質文化遺產。香港潮屬社團總會作為保護單位,積極推廣「盂蘭文 化節」,這些活動成為團結香港潮人團體、聯繫海外潮人的文化工具,也是 建立潮人文化身分的方法。本文嘗試從潮僑盂蘭勝會的成立、發展與申遺的 過程,探討地方社會為何要構築非物質文化遺產的傳統,以及在推廣盂蘭節 時,盂蘭儀式如何揉入原鄉和在地的元素,重新詮釋族群的「傳統」,並植入 跨族群的普世標準。


The Yulan Ghost Festival, held in the seventh month of lunar calendar, is one of the most important folk festivals in China. In Hong Kong, the festival embodies functions of religion, social networking and reinforcement of ethnic identity. Besides rituals of spiritual redemption, praying for peacefulness, and ancestral worship, the festival is also an important venue for ethnic groups to integrate and at the same time establish their own social identity. In 2011, the Yulan Ghost Festival of Ethnic Chaozhou in Hong Kong was registered on the list of the Third National Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow (Chaozhou) Community Organizations, being the designated conservation organization, has been actively promoting the Yulan Cultural Festival in order to enhance ethnic identity and solidarity of local and overseas Chaozhou Chinese. This paper attempts to explore how Chaozhou Yulan Ghost Festival successfully made it on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage; how the local society integrated homeland tradition with elements from the overseas environments; and how crossethnic values were implanted within this re-interpretation of ethnic “tradition.”
