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篇名 遊客滿意度、社會心理承載量與付費意願 關係之研究-以金門地區觀光景點為例
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 among Tourist Satisfaction, Social Psychological Carrying Capacity and Paid Willingness - A Case Study on Kinmen Tourist Spot
作者 吳宛直張製慧洪瑞鴻
頁次 041-058
關鍵字 遊客滿意度社會心理承載量擁擠知覺付費意願tourist satisfactionsocial carrying capacitycrowding perceptionwillingness to pay
出刊日期 201805


本研究之目的有二:1.探討觀光客在金門地區觀光景點對遊憩滿意度與付費 意願間之關係。2.探討遊客社會心理承載量與付費意願間之關係。 本研究採調查法,以便利抽樣方法針對參訪金門熱門觀光景點-莒光樓的遊 客進行問卷調查,共發出400份問卷,有效問卷為364份,有效問卷率為91.0°%。 將所得資料以描述型統計及獨立樣本t檢定進行分析,得到重要研究結果為:一、 遊客社會心理承載量不同,在遊憩滿意度上是無顯著差異;二、遊客的遊憩滿意 度與付費意願有顯著相關,為獲得較不擁擠的觀光景點空間而有付費意願。


This study explores:(1) the relationship between visitors5 recreation satisfaction and their willingness to pay for the visiting spots. (2) the relationship between visitors’ social carrying capacity and their willingness to pay for the visiting spots. Questionnaire survey was used in the study. This sampling targets is the visitors who visit the Juguang Tower, one of the popular visiting spots in Kinmen. There were 400 questionnaires are distributed and 364 of them are valid with response rate of 91.0%. Factor analysis, ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis are applied to test the hypothetical relationships. The results show two interesting outcomes. First of all, significant difference between visitors’ sense of satisfaction with recreation spots and their willingness to pay for the visiting spots. Second, no significant difference between visitors’ social carrying capacity and their sense of recreation satisfaction with visiting spots.
