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篇名 公有獨占公司之經營與其社會福利決策
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 The Decision for Business Operation and Social Welfare of the Public-Owned Monopoly Corporation
作者 李能慧吳蛙森
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 公有事業公司獨占價格敏感度決策模式the public institutionmonopolyprice-sensitivitydecision model
出刊日期 201805


公有公司須達成公司生存、照顧消費者及法定盈餘等目標,其經營導向之決 策具特殊性。本研究建構公有獨占公司宜採取追求利潤之「公有營業」導向,或 追求兼顧消費者淨效益之「公有事業」導向等決策模式。我們針對高、低兩種消 費者價格敏感度的商品,分析其對公有公司最佳利潤、產銷量、價格及社會福利 之影響。研究結果顯示:公有營業公司對社會福利貢獻最少;公有事業公司對社 會福利之貢獻,隨商品產銷之邊際成本相對於商品效用而定。公有事業生產高效 用或低效用之商品,對高價格敏感度商品比低價格敏感度商品有較大的社會福利 貢獻;公有事業產銷一般效用商品時,對低價格敏感度商品之社會福利貢獻大於 高價格敏感度商品。因此,高效用且高價格敏感度商品宜採公有事業經營政策, 以發揮照顧社會大眾之功能;低效用且高價格敏感度商品,為提供照顧社會基層 大眾與社會安定的功能時,仍可考慮採取公有事業公司獨占營運。公有事業公司 之營運為免除社會舆論對於政府補貼妥適性之質疑及符合營運透明化之期望,避 免浪費、節約成本、提升經營效率亦應列入公有事業公司之基本政策。


The publicly-owned enterprises must gain profit for their regular operation, to look after consumers by price and to give the government the legal return earnings. We formulate the optimal decision models of the publicly-owned enterprise for the profit orientation and for both gain the profits and price discount to look after the consumers. The results of this paper study are : The government business enterprise does the least social welfare contribution, the social welfare contribution by the public institution is depending on the relative relations of the marginal cost and the utility of product. While the public institution produce higher utility or lower utility product, there are more contributions of the higher price-sensitivity product than the lower; while the product utility is middle there are more contributions of the lower price-sensitivity product than the higher. So, the higher utility and the higher price-sensitivity products are suitable for public institution; the lower utility and has higher price-sensitivity products are suitable for public monopoly institution. To absolve the query of the subsidy, and to meet the transparent of their operation management, the public institutions should avoid waste, reduce expenses and improve efficiency on their basic policies.
