
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Effects of Colocasia esculenta Leaf Extract in Anemic and Normal Wistar Rats
卷期 38:3
作者 Silas Anayo UfelleKenechukwu Chibuike OnyekweluSamuel GhasiCharles Ogbonna EzehRichard Chukwunonye EzehEmmanuel Anayochukwu Esom
頁次 102-106
關鍵字 Colocasia esculentaanemiahematopoiesisMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_80_17



Background and Objective: Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant primarily grown for its edible starchy corm. It is a food staple in African, Oceanic, and South Indian cultures and is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants. This study was aimed at investigating the hematological effects of C. esculenta leaf extract in anemic and normal Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: Wistar rats (n = 30), aged 2–3 months, weighing 160–220 g, were categorized into five groups (A to E). Groups A and B were orally induced with 1.35 mg/kg bodyweight of methotrexate for anemia. Graded doses of the extract were administered to Groups A to D (A = 300, B = 600, C = 300, and D = 600 mg/kg bodyweight) for 14 days. Group E served as control. Blood samples (3.0 ml) were collected on days 8 and 15 into tri‑potassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid containers and analyzed using an hematological autoanalyzer (Sysmex KX‑21N) following manufacturer’s guidelines. Results: The acute toxicity test revealed an oral LD50 of 6000 mg/kg bodyweight. On day 8, Groups A and B revealed significant decrease (P < 0.005) in hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), and red blood cell (RBC) count compared to that of control. On day 15, Group B revealed significant increase (P < 0.005) in total white blood cell (TWBC) count; Groups C and D revealed significant increase (P < 0.005) in Hb, Hct, RBC, and TWBC compared to that of control. Conclusions: This study revealed dose‑ and time‑dependent increase in Hb, Hct, and RBC in normal Wistar rats and leukocytosis in both normal and anemic Wistar rats by crude methanolic extract of C. esculenta leaves. These indicate hematopoiesis in normal Wistar rats.

