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篇名 烈陽下的奮鬥:性別角色刻板印象對女子棒球選手之影響
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 Struggling against the Scorching Sun: explore the impacts of gender stereotypes for women baseball players
作者 張俊一彭宛宜
頁次 091-106
關鍵字 女性主義性別歧視性別角色認同feminismgender stereotypesgender-role identity
出刊日期 201803


目的:探討性別角色刻板印象對女子棒球選手參與棒球運動的影響。方法: 以性別角色刻板印象和女性主義為理論基礎,運用深度訪談法來蒐集資料,採立 意取樣方法,以10位社會女子棒球隊隊員為訪談對象,所蒐集資料分別以描述 性統計、應用性別角色刻板印象理論及女性主義理論方法分析訪談所蒐集資料。 結果:女子棒球選手仍因社會上普遍存在的性別刻板印象而受到輕視、在棒球場 上對女子選手有雙重標準、女子棒球選手所處社會生活中他人有認同與歧視兩種 的態度存在。討論:女性參與棒球仍籠罩在父權體制下,參與受到性別角色刻板 印象的指責和質疑,表現與能力也受到男性霸權影響遭受否定,甚至是性別歧視, 以致於女子棒球運動發展步調緩慢;但亦仍有女性不畏歧視,選擇所愛,繼續參 與棒球運動。


Purpose: To investigate the impacts of gender stereotypes on women baseball players. Methods: Based on the gender stereotypes and feminism theories, a qualitative design was employed to collect in-depth interview data from 10 women baseball team members. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Analysis of the information we gathered from interviews was also performed using gender stereotype theory and feminist theory. Results: Results showed that women baseball players were still despised by others on the baseball field due to the widespread gender stereotypes in our surrounding society. In addition, respondents reported that they felt there was always a double standard existing in the baseball field. Finally, they could feel both the gender identity and discrimination bias in daily life. Discussions: The participation of women in baseball is still shrouded in a patriarchal system, and their participation in baseball were also censured and questioned because of gender-role stereotypes. Their performance and capabilities have been disapproved by male hegemony. They even had experienced sexual discrimination. Though the development of women's baseball in Taiwan was slow, there were still many women not only unafraid of the discrimination, but also participated in baseball continuously.
