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篇名 金氏世界紀錄事件行銷媒體效益之研究-以2016年新營太子宮挑戰“最大規模道教神尊展示”為例
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 The Media Benefits of Guinness World Records Event Marketing - A Case Study of SinYing TaiZhi Temple “Largest Display of Taoist Statues”
作者 李文良楊智榮
頁次 067-090
關鍵字 整合行銷傳播事件行銷效益Integrated Marketing CommunicationsIMCEvent marketingBenefits
出刊日期 201803


事件行銷是整合行銷傳播的一項工具,乃結合廣告、公關與其它整合行銷傳 播工具而成的整合互補支應體系,使宣傳與曝光達最大綜效而備受重視。本研究 之目的有四項:一、媒體效益之探討;二、成本效益的評估;三、活化策略應用; 四、2016年與2015年同時期露出數量及價值比較。 本研究採深度訪談法與内容分析法,並進行相關事件行銷效益評估的文獻探 討。 研究結果如下:一、媒體露出版面換算價值(電視、報紙、報紙電子報、報 紙影音):(一)媒體露出版面換算價值為新台幣2,327,735元整;(二)報導 取向皆為正面或是中性,無負面新聞,正面部分佔84.44°% ;(三)總共露出31 則報導,並提及新營太子宮121次。二、成本效益評估:(一)媒體露出價值高 於活動投入成本,ROI達194% ;(二)新營太子宮主管對於事件的結果是滿意的。三、活化策略:活化策略檢視議題一致性,同意及非常同意獲87.78%支持。 四、2016年與2015年同時期露出數量及價值比較:金氏世界紀錄作為事件行銷 期間露出數量是2015同時期的1550%,媒體報導版面價值高於2015同時期 2328%。 研究結果顯示金氏世界紀錄應用在事件行銷當中的確有媒體聚焦的作用,也 具有比活動成本投入更高的媒體效益,金氏世界紀錄能在事件行銷當中作為議題 載體,連接主辦方和議題,達成良好的事件行銷效益。


Event marketing is one component of Integrated Marketing Communications broadcasting because it forms an integrated and complementary system by combining advertisement, public relation and other integrated marketing broadcasting tools. It is highly emphasized because it delivers maximum synergies in promotion and exposure. Purpose of this research was to explore event marketing and media (TV, newspaper, online newspaper) benefits from SinYing TaiZhi Temple’s attempt for Guinness World Records in “The Largest Demonstration of God Statues” in 2016. In-depth interview and context analysis methods have been adopted and exploration of documents on related event marketing benefit assessment has also been conducted. Research results are as follows: 1. Transferred value on media coverage: (1).Transferred value for media coverage is NTD2,327,735 (EVA) ; (2).Media coverages are all positive or neutral without adverse news. Positive portion accounts for 84.44%; (3). There are a total of 31 coverages with SinYing TaiZhi Temple being mentioned 121 times. 2. Cost/Benefit Assessment: (1). Media exposure value is higher than event invested cost, with ROI reaching 194%; (2). SinYing TaiZhi Temple management is satisfied with event results. 3. Activation of Strategy: Action of Strategy reviews issue’s consistency. Agree and agree a lot received 87.78% support. 4. Longitudinal research of exposure amount and values within the same periods in 2015 and 2016: Exposure amount using Guinness World Records as event marketing is 1550% of the one in the same period in 2015, media coverage value is also 2328% of the one in the same period for 2015. The conclusions according the result, Guinness World Records is an application in event marketing make the medias focus on this event, and get higher media coverage value output than event budget input, attempt a world record and be a carrier that carried issue and organizer, finally driven the effect and value well.
