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篇名 DIPs研發與防衛樣態的決策準則
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 Decision Criteria for the Patterns of Development and Defense of DIPs
作者 李能慧
頁次 035-066
關鍵字 DIPs研發創新防衛決策準則development intensive products innovation defensedecisions criteria
出刊日期 201803


廠商對於研發密集產品之開發往往需投注巨額沉沒成本,然而創新研發與成 果防衛又皆充滿不確定性。因此,研發方式之前端決策(front end decision)與 研發成果防衛樣態的後端決策(back end decision)相連結之決策準則,對於廠 商極具價值。因為研發與防衛樣態的決策準則影響廠商市場的地位、結構、競爭 力、獲利能力以及其生存和發展,然而相關研究卻尚付闕如。 本文以品質、產量作為廠商的決策變數,以期望效用理論(expected utility theory)為顧客效用之基礎,建構研發密集產品(development intensive products, DIPs)創始廠商自行研發或專屬授權等方式之前端研發決策,連結後端運用專利 權或採用營業秘密這兩個創新防衛樣態的決策準則,作為廠商研發決策的重要參 考。


Companies’ cost for development intensive products (DIPs) has always been a vast retrospective cost, where as achieving the desired development and innovation defence has always been uncertain. Therefore, the decision criteria linking the front-end decision regarding development methods and the back-end decision regarding innovation defence pertaining to the results of DIPs are very important and valuable to companies. There have, however, been relatively few studies that have investigated this. Based on the expected utility theory for customers, we establish decision models for DIPs by using the production quantity and efficiency quality as decision variables for the innovator. This can connect the front-end decision criteria of development methods and the back-end decision criteria of innovation defence for the results of DIPs.
