
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Diagnose and Management of Ectopic Complete Molar Pregnancy
卷期 38:2
作者 Gabkika Bray MadoueFoumsou LhagadangDangar DanielSaleh Abdelsalam
頁次 085-087
關鍵字 Ectopic complete molar pregnancymanagementN’djamena chadMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201804



We present a rare case of ectopic molar gestation presenting excessive vomiting, lower abdominal pain, and 15 weeks amenorrhea corresponding to her last menstrual period. The ultrasonography showed a right tubo‑ovarian mass containing a sac with vesicules, cyst in the left ovary and an empty uterus. The quantitative β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β‑hCGà) was 93,854 UI/L. The management was surgical. Right salpingectomy was done, and the specimen was sent for histopathological examination which later confirmed on the microscopy the presence of chorionic villi of variable sizes, some cystically dilated and focal trophoblastic proliferation. She was followed up with weekly then a monthly serum β‑hCG measurements (1 year after negativation).
