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篇名 Inequality in the Immunization Schedules of Different States of the Same Country: Are We Aware?
卷期 38:1
作者 Mitasha SinghShailja SharmaRajesh Ranjan
頁次 001-006
關鍵字 DelhiHaryanaHimachal PradeshImmunization scheduleIndian Academy of PediatricsUniversal Immunization ProgrammeMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201802
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_120_17



With Universal Immunization Programme in India incorporating newer vaccines, the immunization schedule has been changing rapidly, varying from one state to another. The number of diseases being protected against has increased from 6 to 14 in the past few years. The immunization schedules of the states of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, and Haryana were compared among themselves and also with the schedule recommended by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Variations were observed. The migrants, service providers, and those users switching between private and public sector many a time are affected due to this variation among the immunization schedules.
