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篇名 混雜與交融的「傳統」想像:馬來西亞在地職業戲班「麒麟」閩劇團歌仔戲劇目及演出觀察
卷期 198
並列篇名 The Intertwined and Integrated Imaginations of “Tradition”: Some Observations on the Repertoire and Performance of Kî-lîn (麒麟) Professional Hoklo (Min) Opera Troupe in Malaysia
作者 林鶴宜
頁次 063-126
關鍵字 歌仔戲福建戲做活戲傳統麒麟閩劇團Taiwanese folk opera Fujian opera extemporaneous performance traditionKî-lîn THCITSSCI
出刊日期 201712




Over the past centuries, large groups of Chinese people emigrated from Mainland China to flee from wars or to make a better living. These Chinese people spread Chinese culture to every corner of the world by settling down in other lands and establishing centralized or dispersed communities. Taiwan, with its unique historical background, happened to be one of the most significant destinations. As the study of Chinese culture should not neglect the legacy passed down by the overseas Chinese, the study of Taiwanese folk opera (or gezaixi) should not leave out its dissemination and development abroad, especially in Fujian of Mainland China, Singapore, and Malaysia. So far, xiāng jù (a type of gezaixi which is commonly performed in Fujian) has gained much scholarly attention. Over the past few years, “Fujian opera” (also known as ‘performed gezaixi’), popular with a specific audience in Singapore and Malaysia, has also come into the spotlight in academia. However, most of the research findings focus on the development of gezaixi in Singapore. Malaysia has not been given its due attention. As they do in Singapore, professional gezaixi troupes in Malaysia inherited the way of performing originating in Taiwan, namely tsò-u hhì (做活戲), also known as “extemporaneous performance.” This paper will start from reviewing the background of gezaixi’s development in Malaysia and the current research on this topic. It will then focus on Kî lîn (麒麟) Professional Hoklo (Min) Opera Troupe, the most important and long-existing troupe in Malaysia, to explore the recent challenges faced by local professional gezaixi troupes, their performance, and operational strategies. Thanks to an internal document of Kî-lîn, we can see how these troupes creatively enriched their “repertoire” of frequently performed works by integrating diversified cultures in Malaysia and internalizing various ways of performing. Lastly, to demonstrate the operational strategies of the Malaysia-based troupes, a collaborative performance by Kî-lîn Professional Hoklo Opera Troupe and Taiwanese gezaixi artists will be taken as an example. This example will show how they benefit from and resist the popular culture and entertainment trends to compete with “singing-stage” (歌臺) performance, xiāng jù of China, and the Teochew opera troupes in Thailand. Every strategy they adopt and decision they make not only reflect the environments in which the professional gazaixi troupes struggle to survive, but also form a new “tradition” through integration of diversified cultures.
