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篇名 從墓碑來看「土著化」現象:清代以來臺灣社會祖籍認同的變化
卷期 197
並列篇名 Examining the Changing of Ancestral Homeland Identity in Taiwan through Tombstones
作者 陳緯華
頁次 185-231
關鍵字 祖籍認同的本土化本土化墓碑土著化孤魂在地化ancestral homeland identitylocalizationtombstoneindigenizationlocalization of ghostsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201709




People used to write the name of their ancestral homeland on the tombstone. But we find today they’ve replaced it with that of the place where they have lived if we visit the cemeteries around Taiwan. This seems to indicate the increasing localization of Taiwan society. When did the trend of “the localization of ancestral homeland identity” start, how universal it was, and what was the main factor which brought about this phenomenon? This article suggests that the phenomenon began during the Japanese occupation and have been going on since then. The process underwent huge changes several times and the main factor which caused these changes was “political.” People used to consider “time” as an essential factor which altered the immigrants’ homeland identity. This essay points out that this might be a misconception.
