
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 CASE REPORT Movement Disorder and Epilepsy in Subependymal Nodular Heterotopia
卷期 37:4
作者 Anurag LohmrorRicha Choudhary
頁次 175-177
關鍵字 Subependymal nodular heterotopiaepilepsymovement disordermyoclonusMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_5_17



Subependymal nodular heterotopia is a cortical development malformation that is commonly associated with refractory epilepsy. Patients with heterotopia show a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, from being asymptomatic to presenting with intractable seizures and intellectual impairment. We report a case of drug‑resistant epilepsy with normal intelligence, having bilateral subependymal heterotopic nodules in the brain, presenting to us with a movement disorder in the form of myoclonus of bilateral lower limbs which is an unusual manifestation of gray matter heterotopias. Although rare, gray matter heterotopias may present as movement disorder and should be considered in differential diagnosis while workup of movement disorders.

