
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Combining Two Different Chemotherapy Agents with Platinum Analogs as Induction and Consolidation Regimes in Nonsmall Cell Lung Carcinoma
卷期 37:4
作者 Mohsin KhanShahid Ali Siddiqui
頁次 155-162
關鍵字 Chemotherapylung cancerradiotherapyMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_97_16



There are limited data pertaining to the combined use of induction and consolidation chemotherapy with concurrent chemo‑radiotherapy (RT) for treating nonsmall cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). To find out an optimum/effective regime for treating NSCLC utilizing both induction and consolidation approach with concurrent chemo‑RT is the primary aim of this study. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 132 patients with NSCLC. Fifty‑four patients treated with paclitaxel‑carboplatin and 78 with gemcitabine‑cisplatin combinations in induction and consolidation phases. Concurrent chemo‑RT included 60–66 Gray (Gy) of RT with weekly cisplatin and was similar in both the arms. Results: After completion of the consolidation phase, we observed on overall response rate (ORR) of 42.7% in the paclitaxel‑carboplatin arm and 42.3% in gemcitabine‑cisplatin arm with 2 and 3 years’ survival rates of 32% and 19% with paclitaxel‑carboplatin and 38% and 24% with gemcitabine‑cisplatin regimes. We also observed higher ORR for squamous cell histology treated with the gemcitabine‑cisplatin combination. Conclusion: Although both paclitaxel‑carboplatin and gemcitabine‑cisplatin combinations are equally effective in treating NSCLC, gemcitabine‑cisplatin provided slightly better response rates but with clinically more frequent and relevant toxicities.

