
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Skin Cancer and Soft‑tissue Sarcoma Prevalence and Incidence Rate among the Population of Karbala, Iraq, 2008–2015
卷期 37:4
作者 Ali Abdul HusseinS. AL‑Janabi
頁次 137-149
關鍵字 KarbalaIraqprevalenceskin cancersoft‑tissue sarcomaMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_65_16



There is no restricted area free from cancer. Skin cancer and soft‑tissue sarcoma (STS) are among many types of cancer that can develop among any population worldwide. Thus, it is important to follow‑up these malignant diseases in Iraq cities for information about the epidemiological pattern of such types of cancer. Methods: Incidence rate, prevalence, and age‑specific rate (ASR) for skin and STS were determined. The data about 143 positive cases of skin cancer and 38 patients with STS in Karbala, a city in Iraq, were collected for the past 8 years (2008‑2015). Results: The prevalence and incidence rate were found higher for STS than for skin cancer, especially in males. In males with skin cancer, the ASR was greater than 10 per 100,000 of the population for the age range 50–85 years, whereas in females, it was for 40–85 + years over the period considered. Meanwhile, in males with STS, a higher ASR was shown for age range 55–85+ years, whereas it was for 65–74 years in females. Conclusion: The STS showed a higher prevalence and incidence rate than that skin cancer, especially in older males. Both types of malignant disease are considered among more serious types of cancer among the population of Karbala and people are under the progressive risk of such type of cancers.

