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篇名 生物防治農耕法的應用-推拉技術
卷期 38:1
並列篇名 Push–pull farming system
作者 莊汶博林厚和
頁次 077-088
關鍵字 推拉技術玉米生物防治Push-pull farming systemcornbiological controlTSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2017-0038(1)-077


推拉技術為一個新興的農耕法,藉由植物的特性來達到防治害蟲、雜草和增加 土壤肥力的功能。在非洲肯亞,當地的農民長期飽受玉米螟和巫婆草的侵害,再加 上當地土壤貧瘠,使得農作物的產量相當不理想。成功實施於肯亞的推拉技術利用 植物的特性來進行生物防治。推拉技術中玉米植株本身在遭遇玉米螟產卵時會分 泌揮發性的化合物來吸引玉米螟的天敵寄生蜂;與玉米間作的山螞蝗具有驅離玉 米螟的特性以及山螞蝗根部的分泌物具有抑制巫婆草的功效與山螞蝗作為豆科植 物對土壤肥力提升的功能;種植在田區外圍的象草具有吸引玉米螟成蛾並且使之 族群無法增加的特性。研究顯示在肯亞推行利用山螞蝗、象草進行綜合性生物防治 的推拉技術之後,順利解決當地小農因缺乏資金以致無法利用農藥、除草劑進行田 間管理的問題,同時推拉技術又能兼顧生態系的維護,讓玉米產量達到明顯的提升。


Push-pull farming system is a newly developed farming system combining with several plant unique features for pest and weed control and increasing soil fertility. In Kenya, local farmers suffer from parasitic witchweeds infection and stemborers infestation on corn. In addition, low soil fertility put this situation even worse. In this article, we introduce the principle of push-pull farming system successful used in Kenya. Two plant species (Desmodium uncinatum and Napier grass) were used for intercropping with maize plants in the push-pull farming system. When corn was oviposition by stemborers, plants further produced plant volatiles which would attract the parasitoids. Furthermore, intercropping D. uncinatum produces the volatiles which can repel stemborers and releases the root exudation to inhibit witchweed growth. In addition, the perennial legume D. uncinatum can improve the soil fertility by nitrogen fixation. In this push-pull farming system, Napier grass was designed to plant in the surrounding area due to the Napier grass features which can attract stemborers and further inhibit stemborer population. Studies showed that push-pull farming system in Kenya integrated the biological control with D. uncinatum and Napier grass successfully help local farmers solve the problem with money shortage which cannot afford the pesticide and herbicide to do the pest and weed control. Meanwhile, push-pull can maintain the eco-farming system and remarkably increase the maize yield production as well.
