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篇名 非選擇性除草劑在臺灣一甲子
卷期 38:1
並列篇名 Non-selective herbicides in Taiwan for 60 years
作者 方麗萍
頁次 063-076
關鍵字 除草劑非選擇除草劑巴拉刈嘉磷塞固殺草herbicidesnon-selective herbicidesparaquat, glyphosateglufosinate-ammoniumTSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2017-0038(1)-063


非選擇性除草劑(non-selective herbicides, NSH) 自1960 年中期至今在臺灣深 耕已一甲子,主要有三種產品,包括巴拉刈(paraquat)、嘉磷塞(glyphosate)及固殺草 (glufosinate –ammonium)。非選擇性除草劑於2016 年銷售總量超過1 萬噸,銷售 額(出廠價計算)高達17 億以上,折合美金為5 仟3 百萬,兩者均創歷史新高,主 因是固殺草銷售大幅成長。與2015 年比較,固殺草銷售數量及金額分別成長54% 及21%。2016 年非選擇性除草劑佔臺灣農藥銷售總市場21%。沿自1958 年英國卜 內門(ICI)開發巴拉刈(paraquat),1962 年商品化,於60 年代末巴拉刈24%溶液在臺 灣銷售。巴拉刈為接觸型之非選擇性除草劑,效果迅速,適逢臺灣經濟起飛,在節 省勞力的主因下,使用量快速成長,獨佔非選擇性除草劑市場。直至1971 年美國 孟山都(Monsanto)合成嘉磷塞(glyphosate),1980 年全球營業額達47.5 億美元,躍 居世界農藥的第一位。 嘉磷塞異丙胺鹽 41%溶液(glyphosate IPA)於80 年代初在臺灣上市,往後10 年,嘉磷塞異丙胺鹽以較長藥效之特點,成功取代巴拉刈部分市場。1981 年德國 赫司特(Hoechst AG)成功開發固殺草(glufosinate –ammonium),原有之缺點,不如 巴拉刈速效,又未能如嘉磷塞長效。在注重生態環境及對作物更安全的優勢下,固 殺草將其缺點發揮為優點,施藥後根部不會完全死亡,對環境相對更為友善,對淺 根作物不會造成藥害。自1990 年完成18.02%固殺草農藥登記,價格雖為兩競爭者 平均2.5 倍,每年大幅成長。固殺草溶液在臺灣上市,共有2 種成分,包括 18.02%(w/w)及13.5%(w/w)。2009 年固殺草銷售金額首次超越嘉磷塞異丙胺鹽; 2016 年,固殺草銷售達3 萬6 仟公噸,總金額超過臺幣10 億,折合美金為3 仟2 佰萬,穩居臺灣農藥銷售金額之冠。農委會於2017年5月預告2019年2月1日開始禁用巴拉刈,因其口服中毒死亡率高達90%~100%。隨著巴拉刈退出市場,臺灣非選擇除草劑市場即會成為兩強天下,又鑒於嘉磷塞異丙胺鹽抗藥問題愈趨嚴重,固殺草之巨幅成長必將可期。回首,非選擇性除草劑在臺灣已深耕50餘年,不論功過,已在這塊土地創下很多的第一,在農業上扮演舉足輕重的地位,也留下不可磨滅的痕跡。


From 1960 to 2016, non-selective herbicides (NSHs) have been sold in Taiwan for 60 years. Paraquat, glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium are the main ones. In 2016, the sales volume was over 10 thousand MT and the total turnover (ex-factory level) of NSHs was NTD 1.7 Bio. (USD 53 Mio.) These figures were brought through the historical records, the main reason is the significant growth of glufosinate-ammonium. To compare with 2015, the sales volume and turnover of glufosinate-ammonium were increased by 54% and 21% respectively. 2016, the sales of NSHs dominated the total agrochemical by 21%. In 1958, ICI, England developed paraquat successfully. It was commercialized after 3 years and launched in Taiwan around 1965. Paraquat is a contact systematic NSH with promising and fast effectiveness, the sales were expanding rapidly in the economic-developing Taiwan. Paraquat dominated the monopoly market until 1971, while Monsanto introduced glyphosate that became the top NSHs worldwide, the sales was reached USD 4.75 Bio. in 1980. Glyphosate IPA 41% (S) was launched in Taiwan in early 1980’. Glyphosate sales surpassed paraquat market promptly for its special character, longer lasting efficacy. Hoechst AG commercialized glufosinate-ammonium in 1981 and launched in Taiwan since 1990. There are 2 formulations including 18.02% (w/w) and 13.5% (w/w) sold on the market. Even though glufosinate-ammonium has shorter lasting timing to compare with glyphosate as well as the price is higher than glyphosate by 2.5 times, its sales has been growing up significantly. Using glufosinate-ammonium is considered to be friendlier to environment and safer to the crops. From 2009, both glyphosate and gufosinate-ammonium have dominated the NSH market in terms of sales amount. On May, 2017, the Council of Agriculture (COA) has announced that Paraquat will be banned on Febuary 1, 2019 because of its oral poisoning mortality rate of 90% to 100%. With Paraquat out of the market, Taiwan's non-selective herbicide market will remain two strong products, and in view of Glyphosate resistance problem is more serious, Glufosiante- ammonium will grow significantly. In conclusion, NSHs have been used in Taiwan for over 50 years, regardless of its merits or demerits, undoubtedly NSHs have played a very crucial role in the agriculture of Taiwan.
