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篇名 不同氮肥處理對發芽米機能性成分之影響
卷期 38:1
並列篇名 Effects of Different Nitrogen Fertilizers on the Functional Constituents in Pre-germinated Rice
作者 楊敬屏許明晃藍秋月楊志維楊棋明黃文達
頁次 041-062
關鍵字 氮肥有色米發芽處理機能性成分γ-胺基丁酸nitrogen fertilizercolored ricegerminated treatmentfunctional componentsγ-aminobutyric acidTSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2017-0038(1)-041


氮肥施用為影響水稻 (Oryza sativa L.) 穀粒品質及產量的重要因子,隨著氮肥施用量增加,稻米蛋白質含量及產量亦增加,目前研究多探討氮肥對營養成分及食味品質之影響,而對稻米機能性成分含量影響的研究則相對缺乏。有色米及發芽米為新興的機能性食品,具有高機能性成分及高抗氧化力等保健價值,發芽後糙米特別是γ-胺基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA)含量會大幅增加,其具有鎮定、助眠及緩和初老症狀等功效。本研究針對黑色米的花蓮黑糯(HLB)、新埔紫香秈(XPB)、紅色米的新埔紅香秈糯(XPR)及白米的桃園3號(TY3)等四種含有色米之品種,以低、中、高三種氮肥施用量(70、140、210 kg ha-1)進行盆栽試驗,收穫後以糙米進行發芽處理,探討氮肥施用對不同品種有色米品質及抗氧化力之影響。結果顯示在糙米花青素及類黃酮等機能性成分含量上不受氮肥處理影響,而中高氮肥施用下糙米的類胡蘿蔔素、總酚、GABA含量較低。XPR有最高總酚含量及抗氧化力,HLB和XPB次之,TY3最低。黑米有較高花青素、類胡蘿蔔素含量。發芽處理後,有色米機能性成分和抗氧化力都下降,但GABA含量於發芽後顯著提升,HLB發芽米具有最高GABA含量。整體而言,氮肥施用量70或140 kg ha-1栽培XPR可有較高總酚含量,栽培HLB及XPB有較高GABA含量。


Nitrogen fertilizer application is a key factor to affect the rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain quality and yield. With the increase of nitrogen application rate, the protein content and yield of rice are also increased. Most studies of nitrogen fertilizer application focus on nutrient components and taste quality of rice. Studies on the effects of functional constituents on rice are relatively lacking. Colored rice and germinated rice is the emerging functional food, with high functional components and high antioxidant capacity can promote human health, after germination of brown rice, especially γ-aminobutyric acid (γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA) content will increase significantly. It has a calm, sleep and ease the symptoms of old age and other effects. In this study, four kinds of colored rice varieties including Hualien black rice (HLB), Xingpu black rice (XPB), Xingpu red rice (XPR) and Taoyuan 3 (TY3) white rice, were used to carry out the germination treatment with brown rice after harvest, and the effect of nitrogen application (70, 140 and 210 kg ha-1) on the quality and antioxidant capacity of different varieties of colored rice were discussed. The results showed that the contents of protein, and functional components such as anthocyanins and flavonoids were not affected by nitrogen fertilizer treatment. The contents of carotenoids, total phenolics and GABA in brown rice under medium and high nitrogen application were lower. XPR had the highest total phenolics content and antioxidant capacity, HLB and XPB followed, TY3 lowest. The black rice had highest anthocyanins and carotenoids content. However, most functional components and antioxidant capacities decreased during germination. The GABA content of brown rice significantly raised after germination. The HLB germinated rice had highest GABA content. To sum up, it is recommended to cultivate XPR for higher total phenolics content and cultivate HLB and XPB for higher GABA content with 70 or 140 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer application.
