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篇名 間植綠肥作物對馬鈴薯有機栽培田間雜草 相、產量性狀和產量之影響
卷期 38:1
並列篇名 Effect of Inter-seeding Green Manure on Weed Control, Yield Characters and Yield of Tuber in Organic Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
作者 張育絢侯金日
頁次 019-040
關鍵字 馬鈴薯有機栽培間植綠肥雜草相產量性狀Potatoorganic cultivationinter-seeding green manureweed phase, yield traitsTSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2017-0038(1)-019




This cultivation experiment was planted in the farmland with organic certification located at Chia-yi Zu-Zi and using two potato cultivars, Kennebec and TNG1, as experimental materials. Potatoes were planted in three different periods. The experiment was proceed with three inter-seeding green manure (sesbania, sun hemp, soybean and control). The field of weed phase was investigated during the potato growth period, the potato yield was investigated after harvested of potato tuber. The results showed that the Amaranthaceae of Amaranthus viridis L. is the main occurrence of weed population, the secondary occurrence of weed population are Solanaceae of Solanum nigrum L. , Gramineae of Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn, and Echinochloa colona (L.) Link. In the spring potato experiment, Solanaceae of Solanum nigrum in the two fall cropping for the potato experiment L. is the main occurrence of weed population, the secondary occurrence of weed population is Gramineae and Amaranthaceae. In addition to the above three major population, still insist other small parts of the grass species including Compositae (Gnaphalium purpureum L. , Gnaphalium affine D. Don. , Lactuca indica L.), and Chenopodiaceae (Chenopodium ficifolium Sm.) . In different inter-seeding green manure, inter-seeding sesbania treatment had lowest weed density in 2014 spring and fall cropping, second was sun hemp in the 2013 fall cropping. In the treatment of inter-seeding sun hemp had lowest weed dry weight (2013 and 2014 fall cropping for the KNB), second was inter-seeding sesbania (in 2014 spring and fall cropping of TNG1). KNB yield was significantly higher by inter-seeding sesbania than the control in the 2014 spring cropping. Compared with the control, in the same year fall cropping, the sun hemp, sesbania and soybean were significantly higher, and compared with conventional inter-seeding sesbania and sun hemp was significantly higher in the spring cropping of 2014. The tuber yield of potato TNG1 inter-seeding sun hemp and soybean was significantly higher than the control in 2013 and 2014 fall cropping. Compared with the control in 2014 spring cropping, the inter-seeding sun hemp treatment was significantly higher. And compared with conventional inter-seeding soybean and sun hemp was significantly higher in 2014 fall cropping.
