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篇名 Glyphosate Warning Beads
卷期 38:1
並列篇名 嘉磷塞警示凝珠
作者 陳力骐侯詠德鄭宗記張桂禎謝博全
頁次 013-018
關鍵字 GlyphosateAlginateCupric ionConductanceGenetically modified crops嘉磷塞褐藻膠銅離子電導基改作物TSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2017-0038(1)-013


本研究將2%褐藻酸鈉溶液滴入50 mM硫酸銅溶液用以製備直徑為3 mm的Cu (II)-褐藻膠凝珠,此凝珠吸收了銅離子後硬化且呈藍色。若溶液中含有濃度為mM 或以上的除草劑成份-嘉磷塞,嘉磷塞將與凝珠中褐藻酸競爭螯合銅離子,藍色的 Cu (II)-褐藻膠凝珠則於數十分鐘後退色並且結構崩解。以上過程也可以用電導量 測予以即時觀測並量化。


Cu (II)-alginate beads were prepared by dropping 2% sodium alginate solution into 50 mM cupric sulfate solution. The hydrogel beads (3mm in diameter) turned blue after absorbing cupric ions from the surrounding solution, and the blue beads were proven to be useful in sensing the existence of the Cu (II)-chelating glyphosate in herbicide formulations. Glyphosate will compete with alginate in chelating cupric ion; within tens of minutes, a Cu (II)-alginate bead lost its cupric ions (and therefore its blue color) and finally collapsed in a solution containing mM order of glyphosate. The process were also monitored and quantified by the change in conductance.
