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篇名 不同氮肥量對台灣藜生長之影響
卷期 38:1
並列篇名 The effects of the different amounts in nitrogen fertilizers on growth of Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.)
作者 簡選鄭旨彧周信謙趙雲洋
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 台灣藜氮肥合理化施肥農藝性狀產量Chenopodium formosanumnitrogen fertilizerrational fertilizationagronomy traitsyieldTSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2017-0038(1)-001


本試驗探討氮肥量對台灣藜生長與產量之影響,藉此瞭解台灣藜栽培時之氮肥合理施用量。根據試驗結果得知,台灣藜之農藝性狀均會隨著氮肥量提高而增加,其中以2倍氮肥量(N3處理)時,台灣藜株高為200公分、葉片數43片、分支數40支與莖徑31.2公厘最高,但以台灣藜單株穗重而言,標準氮肥量(N2處理)與2倍氮肥量(N3處理)間無顯著差異,顯示N2處理(N:P:K = 2:1:1)為台灣藜栽培時的氮肥合理施用量。此外,提高氮肥量會延遲生殖生長期之農藝性狀如:抽穗期、開花期、穗轉色期、穗觀賞期與成熟期,其中穗觀賞期明顯因氮肥量增加而延長觀賞時間,而台灣藜穀穗顏色豐富具有觀賞價值,由此可知栽培台灣藜時調整氮肥施用量,可延長穗觀賞時間而促進觀光產業之發展。


This experiment investigated the effects in the amount of the nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and yield of Chenopodium formosanum, in order to figure out the rational fertilization for culturing the Chenopodium formosanum. The results showed that the data of agronomic traits increased as the nitrogen fertilizer increased. The fertilizer of double nitrogen (N3 treatment) got the greatest result: the average of plant height is 200 cm plant-1; the average of leave number is 43; the average of branch number is 40; the average of stem diameter is 31.2 mm plant-1. For the results of panicles weight per plant, there is no significant differences between the treatment of N2 (normal nitrogen) and N3 (double nitrogen). It indicated that N2 treatment (N:P:K = 2:1:1) is the best ratio for culturing the Chenopodium formosanum properly in the situation of this experiment. Further, the results also showed that increasing the amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer can delay the status of some agronomy traits in the reproductive stage, including heading stage, flowering stage, spike coloring stage, spike viewing stage, and mature stage. Moreover, spike viewing stage was elongated the time by increasing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer obviously through the results. Because of the ornamental value from the different colors of panicle in Chenopodium formosanum, it can be indicated that adjusting the nitrogen fertilizer can promote the tourism industry by elongating the time of spike viewing stage.
