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篇名 金門酒類原料特性分析與農產品加工之研究
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Raw Materials Analysis of Kinmen Liquors and Processing of Kinmen Agricultural Products
作者 鄭朝安賴盈璋吳俊毅江明賢林怡彣
頁次 189-211
關鍵字 酒類原料分析農產品加工Analysis of Liquor Raw MaterialsProcessing of Agricultural Products
出刊日期 201706


本計晝旨在利用教育部特色大學計晝經費,建立金門地區農特產品的原料 特性分析與應用加工。由食品科學系鄭朝安教授對於金門地區的酒類原料(高粱) 進行品種鑑定,除原有利用高梁種子型態判別外,利用聚合酶連鎖反應儀提供一 種快速的定性方式,可以準確判斷高梁原料的來源與其品種;對於後續製酒原料 的混摻或配方,更能有效的的應用。食品科學系賴盈璋教授與在地農民推廣洛神花栽種,利用金門酒廠生產之高梁酒進行醃製加工,製作成具有高粱酒香味之洛 神花蜜餞,不僅提升地方農特產品價值,同時優化金門產業跨域鏈結。金門向以 觀光為發展主軸,農特產品推廣行銷亦為觀光產業鍊之一環。本計晝以開創金門 特產為主抽,導入酒類製程分析與食品加工,藉由金門大學食品科學系專業知 能,促進傳統產業轉型與升級,成為金門地區特色產業之研發行銷平台。


The aim of this project, supported by MOE University Feature Program, is to set up a platform for raw materials analysis of Kinmen liquor and the future processing of Kinmen agricultural products. Professor Chao-An Cheng, Department of Food Science of NQU, identified the species of Kinmen sorghum by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) instead of recognizing its type from the shape of sorghum seeds. The accurate result obtained from the PCR methodology could be successfully used in the selection of the raw materials for the formula in Kinmen liquors manufacture. A consistent quality of Kinmen liquors has been achieved by the appropriate recipe of raw material and fermentation conditions. Professor Ying-Jang Lai, Department of Food Science of NQU, processed the Hibiscus flowers cultured by local farmers with Kinmen liquors fragrant to saccades to be marketed as candied fruits. The study of Hibiscus sabdariffa saccades, made through pickling technology, is valued as a Kinmen agriculture development and interdisciplinarily links food processing technology to farm products. Tourism is the main scheme of the Kinmen government administration. Implementation of this project would help Kinmen tourism prosper more by promoting and utilizing the platform of development,research and marketing established in the Department of Food Science of NQU to transform and upgrade traditional industries.
