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篇名 金大特色館藏之實踐-以「金門學圖書特藏中心」為例
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Practice of Special Collections in NQU Library- A Case of Kinmen Studies Special Collection Center
作者 林正士
頁次 174-188
關鍵字 金門學特色館藏機構典藏Kinmen studyspecial collectioninstitutional repository
出刊日期 201706


本文主要探討金門大學圖書館特色館藏的發展和建置,透過金門學圖書特藏 中心的案例經驗分享,供擬規劃發展特色館藏的圖書館參考。本研究利用個案研 究法,說明此特色館藏的徵集,建置及利用情況,並依金大圖書館館藏發展政策 及旁引國内外其他特色館藏與機構典藏圖書館的成功經驗,為金門學圖書特藏中 心研擬未來發展策略。


This research attempts to investigate the development of special collections in NQU library. The target were collected through “Kinmen Studies Special Collection Center of NQU”. The results will be referenced for other libraries. The case studies described the collection channels, book lists of special collection. Base on the policy of library collection of NQU, and successful experience of other libraries, the study build a framework of strategy for the future.
