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篇名 氣候變遷下金門島發展之能源策略
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Energy Strategy of the Development for Low-carbon Kinmen Island in Response to Climate Change
作者 劉華嶽
頁次 157-173
關鍵字 氣候變遷冷戰軍事設施低碳示範島分散式電力集中式電廠climate changecold warmilitary installationlow-carbon demonstration islanddecentralized energyconcentrated power
出刊日期 201706


百年來,全球氣溫上升攝氏0.7度,而人類活動則是造成二十世紀中葉以來 全球暖化現象的主因。其中又以發展中小島最承受不住氣候變遷衝擊的區域,因 此,小島的首要之務就是需要一套應變靈活、符合當地背景的氣候變遷地方對 策。 金門自從1992年戰地政務解除、兩岸開放及小三通因而湧進了大量觀光客, 使得這從最前線的冷戰島轉型為以觀光發展為取向的旅遊島,這一轉變卻導致小 島電力及水資源日益短絀,加上軍事氛圍逐步褪去及駐軍人數大幅裁減,至而軍 方釋放愈來愈多的軍事設施提供地方政府作為活化再利用的資源。因此,這充滿 戰役史蹟極豐富生態的小島亟需重新思考其未來的經營方向,有鑑於2010年行 政院選擇金門作為低碳示範島,便啟動了本研究再生能源結合軍事設施的新思維, 也就是善用本島之天然資源-陽光及風力結合島上特有的資源一軍事設施發展再 生能源,以降低火力發電之碳排放,並以分散式電力取代集中式電廠之模式,作 為配合軍方逐步釋出軍事設施的過程中一套可行之銜接、轉化與發展的架構。


In the past century, the global average surface temperature has risen 0.7°C. Human activity is the main cause of global warming since the mid-twentieth century. Small islands under development are especially vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. Therefore, the development of small islands requires flexible strategies that consider local conditions influenced by climate change. After military administration was lifted in Kinmen in 1992, and the gradual development of policies between Taiwan and China has eased cross-straits relations, “Little Three Links (open up postal, transportation and trade links between China and Taiwan)” were established between Kinmen and Fujian. Since then, increasing numbers of mainland tourists have been allowed to visit every year, which has transformed Kinmen from a battlefront during the Cold War to a popular tourist destination. In addition, as Kinmen no longer has a military role, the military have released their facilities to the local government to use for other purposes. However, the development has led to increasing shortages of electricity and water on Kinmen. Therefore, as it still possesses battlefield sites and ecological resources, it is time to reconsider the direction of management of Kinmen. In light of the plan announced by the Executive Yuan of Taiwan in 2010, which selected Kinmen to be developed as a low-carbon demonstration island, this study proposed the novel idea of utilizing inactive military installations for the production of renewable energy. A plan was developed in this proposal that makes good use of the few natural resources of Kinmen, including solar and wind energy, and describes the re-purposing of inactive military sites to develop renewable energy. In the military site setting, a power generation system for decentralized energy provision is suitable for Kinmen, as it is a cost-effective design. This development would largely reduce the dependence on the fossil-fuel power station currently used in Kinmen. In this study, a plan was developed to coordinate the gradual release of military installations and provide a framework for the re-purposing and development of the sites.
