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篇名 閩南與僑鄉數位典藏發展
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 The Digital Archives Development of Min-nan and Overseas Chinese
作者 吳宗江曾欣郁
頁次 144-156
關鍵字 閩南文化宗族文化數位典藏Min-nan culturesClan culturesDigital archivesData center
出刊日期 201706


金門被稱為「閩南文化的寳庫」,所保存之閩南文化是世界最完整的。長期 以來,閩南人透過移民在海峽兩岸、東南亞以及世界各地勤勞開拓,並且發展為 深具傳承意義之僑鄉文化。若要進行金門閩南與僑鄉文化的數位典藏規劃,就必 須以金門宗族文化所包含的意義、有形及無形等文化意涵做為規劃主軸内容,並 參酌「數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計晝」所建立之相關執行規範、準則與方 式進行永續典藏作業與後續保存研究。透過數位科技的研究與實現,連接僑鄉之 閩南文化血緣脈絡,促使金門島成為全球閩南文化的資料中心及世界閩南文化研 究的重鎮。


Kinmen is called “Min-nan cultural treasure” ,Min-nan cultures of Kinmen are the most complete in the world. For a long time, Min-nan people diligently develop at Cross-strait, Southeast Asia and in the world by immigrating, and form inherited meaning “Overseas Chinese Cultures” . If we want to digital archives Min-nan and Overseas Chinese cultures, the planning contents and spindle must include Kinmen clan cultures, and refer specifications, guidelines of “Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAR” for sustainable archives and research. Links Overseas Chinese in the world by digital technology, and promotes Kinmen to be Min-nan cultures data center and research hub in the world.
