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篇名 金門明代戰地史蹟之歷史地理考查--五巡檢 司城、倭亂攻防與鄭成功會師
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 A Historical and Geographical Survey on the Quemoy Battlefield Heritage of the Ming Dynasty: the Five XunJianS, Wokou, and Zheng Chenggong
作者 袁興言
頁次 099-143
關鍵字 金門烈嶼巡檢司城倭寇QuemoyLieyuXunJianSWokou
出刊日期 201706


金門古稱「浯州」,在明朝初年的海防築城運動之中,江夏侯周德興在金門 島西南隅建立「金門千戶所城」,又再分設五處巡檢司,此為金門及烈嶼正式納 入中國邊境國防體系之始,本島亦因此逐漸被改稱為後世習見的「金門島」。 本文源於2015年金門明代五巡檢司調查研究計晝的工作過程,受益於呂坤 和、林金榮、洪清津、陳炳容、陳為學、黃振良、楊清國、蔡鳳雛(依姓氏筆劃 排列)等地方文史前輩的指導,除了由史志及兵書回顧五處巡檢司城之歷史變遷 並分析遺址的保存狀況,亦以歷史地理學的分析視角,重新考察金門清中葉嘉靖 年間倭亂與烈嶼明末隆武年間鄭成功吳山會盟等事件的史蹟,並配合地理資訊系 統及搖控空中攝影工具的應用,分析明代重要戰事與本地特殊空間因素的關連。 本文的研究目標,除了探查金門明代五巡檢司城遺址目前已知及未來可能的 文化資產保存價值,並以此工作整理補充金門明代發展的一部份歷史論述。最後,企望在金門豐厚廣博的文史傳統基礎之上,探討各種資訊工具綜合應用於歷史地 理研究的可能貢獻。


The name of Kinmen is translated from Chinese:金門,which literally mean "Golden Door" or "Golden Gate", dates from Hungwu era of the Ming dynasty when a one-hundred-household garrison post and five XunJianS (Inspection station outpost) castles were set up here. In addition, the Marquis of Jiangxia Zhou Dexing erected walls to defend the island. Kinmen safeguarded Zhangzhou and Xiamen up close and controlled Taiwan and the Pescadores from afar. Because of its peculiar geographical location and strategic importance, the island had wined the reputation of “impregnable fort guarding the gate to the sea. This paper is derived from the work process of the investigation and research of the five Ming dynasty XunJianS castles of Kinmen in 2015, benefiting from the local senior historians such as Lu Kunhe, Lin Jinrong, Hong Qingzhang, Chen Bingrong, Chen Weixue, Huang Zhenliang, Yang Qingguo, Cai Fengxiao (by chinese surname strokes) In addition to the historical records and the military review of the five castles of the historical transformation and analysis of the site of the preservation of the situation, but also to the historical geography of the perspective of re-examine this area in the middle of Jiajing years of Wokou(Japanese pirates / dwarf pirates") invasion and Wu Shan Union held by Zheng Chenggong and other events of the historical sites. With the geographic information system and remote control of aerial photography tools, analysis of the Ming Dynasty and the local special space forces related factors, this paper attemp to explore the preservation value of cultural assets that are known and possible future cultural assets which were parts of the historical exposition of Jinmen Ming Dynasty. Finally, it is also explore the possible contribution of various information science tools to historical geography research.
