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篇名 大專生意象練習及瞄準時間對空氣手槍射擊表現之影響
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 The Analysis of Image Training, Shooting Training and Shooting Performance in University Students
作者 陳麗蓮曾宜君
頁次 085-098
關鍵字 瞄準時間專注力意象訓練射擊訓練Aiming timeConcentrationImage TrainingShooting training
出刊日期 201706


目的:意象練習及瞄準時間在空氣手槍射擊表現學習上扮演一個重要的因子,本 研究目的在探討意象練習及瞄準時間對空氣手槍射擊表現之影響。方法:實驗參 與者為6位大專生射擊代表隊為受試者,分為男生組:23.3 ±2.5歲,女生組:21.7 ±2.3歲;10發最佳成績男生組:92.1 ±3.5 ;女生組:89.6±4.3 ,於4周期間進行 射擊、意象練習及不同瞄準時間的訓練後。採用奥運項目中空氣手槍立姿10公 尺射擊,判定10發射擊成績(0.0 ---10.9 )的測試,並以單因子重複量數、t考 驗、皮爾遜積差相關及進行雪費法事後比較等分析,顯著水準為a=.05。結果: 一、男、女兩組選手皆於有意象練習顯著優於無意象練習(p<.05);且在兩組間男 選手顯著優於女選手(p<.05)。二、男、女選手皆於有意象練習瞄準時間15秒以 内與16-30秒顯著優31秒以上(p<.05)。三、男、女兩組有實施意象練習於瞄準 時間在15秒以内及16-30秒間達顯著正相關(厂=.34-.42,0<.05);其餘各變相間皆 未達顯著相關。結論:瞄準時間與意象練習對射擊成績之影響有密切關連性,且在有意象練習及瞄準時間在15秒以内較能保持穩、瞄、壓高度協調配合,有利 擊發的最佳時機,也是獲取高分的關鍵要素。


Purposes: Purpose: Both of Image Training and Aiming Time play an important role in air pistol shooting performance. This purpose of this study is to explore the influence of them. Method: Participants of the six college students form shooting team for the experiment, and it divided into boys group: 23.3±2.5 year’s old, girls group: 21.7±2.3 years old; 10 best results of boys group: 92.1±3.5years old, girls Group: 89.6±4.3 years old. Then, practice shooting, image practice and different aiming time during the four weeks after training. Adapt the project in the Olympic using the air pistol to shoot 10 meters, and determine the test of 10 shooting results (0.0 --- 10.9). We make use of the One Way Repeated Measurement (ANOVA), t-test, Pearson's r, and Schaffer’s method, which performed the significant level for a=.05. Result: 1. both groups of male and female who get the image training are play better than those who don’t get the image training. What’s more, the male groups are significantly better than female group. (P<.05). 2. Both of male and female teams get the image training in 15 seconds and 16-30 seconds are play much better than they training more than 31 seconds. (P<.05). Conclusion: Both of Image Training and Aiming Time have a close connection with the score of shooting. Also, if keeping the Image Training and Aiming Time in 15 seconds, it could have the highly coordination of maintaining stability, target, and pressure, which is beneficial to the best time to hit, and also be the key essence of gaining high score.
