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篇名 活力社區新亮點-金大生進駐社區為例
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 New-point of Community Empowerment – A Simple of Quemoy University to Community
作者 曾宜君胡巧欣陳奇中吳一德袁憶如
頁次 066-084
關鍵字 休閒社區營造大學生進駐社區LeisureCommunity buildingCollege students in the community
出刊日期 201706


金大 HERO 養成計畫-社區營造與活化,在推動學校與社區結合營造優質生活圈,打造活力社區新亮點。本校與縣內具意願有潛力及實力之社區,積極協力培力學生與周邊社區與團體,參與金門特色之閩南、戰地文化、僑鄉、低碳等社區營造的意識,共同打造學區與社區文化生活圈,建立社區營造共學平臺,喚醒社區居民對家鄉的認同感。透過「主動」、「凝聚居民共識」、「共同思考社區的發展方向」的精神,使學校與社區居民形成互惠共生的文化生活圈,並打造學校與社區營造協力的新機制,活化並繁榮社區,善盡大學的社會責任。 本研究計劃讓大學生走進社區一起為社區盤點尋找休閒、文化、環境景觀、空間以及產業…等問題點,並凝聚社區意識,使社區成為舒適、健康、具有活力的社區,同時感覺到社區與學校的友善,社區與學生間腦力激盪,一起推動。讓學生和社區居民清楚認知後,擇其所愛、愛其所擇、鍾鼎山林、各有所愛、操之在己,將低迷氣氛改造,共創活力社區新亮點。


The program of Quemoy University in HERO, Community building and empowerment, The Combination University students and community people to New-point in Community building. We are school and the county will have the potential and strength of the community, and actively work together empowerment students and the surrounding communities and groups to participate in Kinmen characteristics of the southern, the war culture, hometown, low carbon and other communities to create awareness, Community cultural life circle, the establishment of community to create a common platform to wake up the community residents on the identity of the home. Through the spirit of "initiative", "pooling residents' consensus" and "thinking about the direction of community development", so that schools and community residents create a symbiotic cultural life circle and create a new mechanism for the school and community to work together to activate and prosper Community, good at university social responsibility. This study program is designed to allow college students to walk into the community to find recreational, cultural, environmental, landscape, space and industry issues for community inventory, and to gather community awareness to make the community a comfortable, healthy and dynamic community while feeling the community with the school's friendly, community and students brainstorming, together to promote. The Combination University students and community people to that a useful strategy for the sustainable development of community building is to create unique cultural resources for the community involved. In general, cultural resources owned by a community are the foundation for continual community development.
