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篇名 通識教育金門學概論之意義與價值創造
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 The Value Creation and Significance in Introduction to Kinmen Studies of General Education
作者 呂謙
頁次 055-065
關鍵字 金門學相關書籍閱讀心得志工服務演講活動學習成長活動景點參觀活動what one has learned in Kinmen studies related booksvoluntary servicespeech activitieslearning and becoming mature activitieslandscapes visiting activities
出刊日期 201706


國立金門大學通識教育中心為了落實通識教育的目標,配合教育部的特色大 學計劃,訂定學生修習通識教育課程辦法,金門學概論列為大一必修之特色課 程,以自學方式修習課程,實施方法當中分為僑鄉建築、戰地景點、閩南文化、 生態活動、志工服務、演講活動、其他活動等總共7個類型,自行選擇5個類型, 每個類型至少參與4小時以上,才能進行總合時數36小時的計算。每所大學均 需要有自己的特色,國立金門大學特殊的性質與價值之創造有別於台灣本島的方 式,金門僑鄉文化特色與價值在於當時許多金門籍人士早期搭船去南洋發展,成 功之後衣錦還鄉建設不少洋樓,閩南文化在於早期大陸福建省許多前往台灣發展 的人民,有些就留在金門,逐漸發展出閩南文化與特色。生態特色與價值在於候 鳥南遷的景色,炮火洗禮的坑道以及堡壘建築都是戰地特色與價值。金門學概論 是屬於學生自主活動的方式,考驗學生的自主性與自我學習的要求以及自我的收 穫,不用心體會學習則無法體驗金門學概論之課程安排,對於未來的實施會每年 加以檢討,時時去修正,讓金門學概論成為本校通識教育中心的特色,也期待學 生都能夠自動自發的去用心體驗,學習更多更美好的事物。


For practical of the goals in general education of general education in National Quemoy University, and work in coordination of projects in the featured university development of National Quemoy University from Ministry of Education, to design the regulations of general education curriculum for students study, besides, the introduction to Kinmen studies is the required distinctive course, the ways to implement for students self-study are seven categories, including architectures of hometown of oversea Kinmen, landscapes of battlefields, culture of southern part of Fukien province, activities of ecological, services of volunteer, activities of speech, and other kinds of activities, the students who choose five categories, and each categories participate at least four hours, then the calculation of total 36 hours can be done. All universities have to build their characteristics, because of the modes in special characteristics and value creations are different with other universities from Taiwan, and the characteristics and values of Kinmen hometown of oversea in that time, there were lots of Kinmen5s persons who went to southern areas to work, and many European style buildings were built after the Kinmen5 s persons succeeded in business. The culture of southern part of Fukien province characteristics and values are that there were many people went to Taiwan from mainland China, some of them stayed in Kinmen and had stared the enterprises. The characteristics and values of ecological are the sceneries of migratory birds moving through the Kinmen to southern land, the battle fields characteristics and values are the constructions of battles fighting in bombing the bunkers and fortresses. The introduction to Kinmen studies5 modes are belong to the students self-study activities, they test students self control and requires of self-learning as well as self-gains, those who do not pay attention to learn can not undergo an experiences of the arrangement of the curriculum in introduction to Kinmen studies, and it will put into practice and self-criticism every year, and correct it as soon as possible, on the other hand, make the introduction to Kinmen studies to be the characteristics of center for general education of NQU, and also look forward students can pay attention to taste by themselves, learn more and better things.
