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篇名 金門風獅爺探源與金大HERO風獅爺的 誕生及其教育意涵
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 History and Belief of Kinmen Wind Lion Gods and Some Education Issues Related to the Newborn NQU HERO Wind Lion God
作者 陳奇中
頁次 024-054
關鍵字 金門風獅爺歷史源流信仰與習俗藝術表徵教育意涵金大HERO 風獅爺Kinmen Wind Lion GodsHistory and CultureFolk Beliefs and CustomsArtsEducation Issuesthe NQU HERO Wind Lion God
出刊日期 201706


本文旨在探討金門守護神「風獅爺」之源流,分析其設置原因,探究藝術表 徵與美感,並說明其民間信仰及習俗。此外,文中亦將介紹本校新設置之公共藝 術品「金大HERO風獅爺」之現代教育意義、設置發想過程、各表徵所代表之 意涵,以及如何營造此公共藝術品與人群間之互動。期盼藉由本文能使讀者更明 瞭風獅爺過去、現在與未來在金門、在金大校園所乘載之意義與功能。


The purpose of this article is to explore the origin, culture and history of the Kinmen Wind Lion Gods, the analysis of the reasons for their creation, to discover the artistic representation and beauty, and to explain the related folk beliefs and customs.In addition, this article will introduce the modern educational significance of the new public artwork named the NQU HERO Wind Lion God, the meaning of its representation, and how to create the interaction between this public artwork and the crowd.
