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篇名 國立金門大學特色大學發展概況、成果與展望
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Development, Achievements and Prospects of the NQU Project for National Quemoy University
作者 陳奇中
頁次 001-023
關鍵字 特色大學金門學知識文化中心創新加值中心永續發展NQU project: the featured university development of NQUKinmen StudyKnowledge and culture centerInnovation and value-added centerSustainable development
出刊日期 201706


本文將報導國立金門大學特色大學的發展概況與成果,並分享本校具體做法,希冀 以學校特色之營造與開展,帶動並整合區域教育與產業創新發展,達成以學生學習為導 向的教學目標,並突顯金門特色研究,從而發揮專業優勢,朝永續發展的特色大學之路 大步邁進。在內容安排方面,首先簡要報告臺灣高等教育的發展危機以及因應之道,接 續介紹本校的特色大學發展之路與執行成果,讓讀者對我校的現況與未來展望有更深入 的瞭解。最後則說明本校特色大學永續發展經營與內外部資源整合之策略,以達成「教 學全面卓越、研究重點突破、企業最愛人才」的國際知名特色大學之目標與願景。


The purpose of this article is to report on the development and achievements of the NQU project funded by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, for National Quemoy University (NQU) and shares the practices of how to plan and implement the project. The goal of the NQU project is four-folds. The first is to establish and carry out the NQU’s characteristics and promote the integration of regional education and industrial innovation and development. The second is to achieve the outcome-based learning/teaching objectives, and the third is to highlight the local culture and specific features of Kinmen. And the final goal is to make a significant movement towards the sustainable development of the University. For a clear presentation, the contents of this article are structured into the following three main parts: (1) give a brief remark on the developmental crisis of Taiwan's higher education and the way of responding; (2) introduce the progress and implementation of the NQU project, so that readers can have a better understanding of the current situation and future prospects of our university; (3) illustrate the strategy of the sustainable development of our university and the integration of internal and external resources, so as to achieve the goal and vision of the internationally renowned university with "teaching excellence, outstanding research on focused topics, and enterprise favorite graduates."
