
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Copyright © 2006 JMS Received: March 8, 2006; Revised: May 23, 2006; Accepted: July 11, 2006 *Corresponding author: Tai-Feng Chiou, Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, 325, Cheng- Gong Road Section 2, Taipei 114, Taiwan, Republic of China. Tel:886-2-8792-7195; Fax:886-2-87927194; E-mail: typhoon-2@yahoo.com.tw Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene Involving the Penis during Recovery from Osteomyelitis after Tibial and Fibular Fracture
卷期 26:6
作者 Yuan-Sheng TzengShyi-Gen ChenTim-Mo ChenRu-Yu PanShang-Sen LeeTai-Feng Chiou
頁次 227-230
關鍵字 gangreneperipheralsymmetricalMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200612



Symmetrical peripheral gangrene (SPG) is a relatively uncommon clinical entity manifested by distal ischemic damage at two or more sites in the absence of large vessel obstruction. Here we report a case of SPG due to osteomyelitis with concurrent dry gangrene of the penis. Osteomyelitis is a rare cause of SPG and, to the best of our knowledge, SPG with dry gangrene of the penis has never been previously reported.
