
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Linear Nevus Sebaceous Syndrome
卷期 26:2
作者 Cheng-Chun ChenShao-Hung LienMu-Ling HsuChiung-Hsi TienChun-Jung ChenPei-Yuan ChangChuen-Ming Lee
頁次 077-082
關鍵字 colpocephalyhemimegalencephalylinear nevus sebaceous syndromeneurocutaneous syndromeMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200604



Linear nevus sebaceous syndrome is a rare, congenital neurocutaneous syndrome comprising nevus sebaceous, seizures and mental retardation. Multiple organ system anomalies can occur. We report a male neonate with a linear-shaped nevus sebaceous over the face and scalp, whose prenatal brain sonogram revealed dilatation of the left lateral ventricle and a cysticlike lesion over the posterior cranial fossa. Postnatal magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed hemimegalencephaly ipsilateral to the nevus sebaceous. Despite no seizures occurring during hospitalization, the diagnosis was established according to typical cutaneous lesions and brain images.
