
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis in a Woman with Hypogonadism
卷期 27:1
作者 Pei-Wei WengShing-Sheng WuShyu-Jye WangSu-Yang Hwa
頁次 025-028
關鍵字 slipped capital femoral epiphysishypogonadismMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200702



The etiology of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) remains uncertain. The frequent findings of growth abnormalities in affected patients lead to the hypothesis that various endocrine disorders cause this condition. We encountered a 25-yearold woman with chronic slipping of the femoral epiphysis, and the endocrine abnormality of hypogonadism was identified after further investigation. The radiographs revealed SCFE type I (less than one-third displacement of the epiphysis) of the left hip. Although a chromosomal study showed a karyotype of 46XX without chromosomal abnormality, gynecologic sonography showed the absence of a uterus and an ovarian body. No abnormal tumor was detected in the sella turcica, but brain MRI indicated that the pituitary fossa was relatively small for the patient’s age. Abnormal serum levels of sexual hormones were measured. Surgical stabilization with percutaneous pinning of the left hip was performed and asymptomatically full weight-bearing gait with full motion of the left hip was found when the patients was examined in the outpatient department a year after the surgery.
