
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Upholding Ethics in Healthcare Environments
卷期 27:6
作者 John S. Murray
頁次 251-252
關鍵字 MEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200712



Consider these situations: Healthcare professional failing to provide treatments for patients yet documenting care was provided; academia faculty being pressured by administrators to falsify student grades in order to pass or fail students; healthcare leaders urging researchers to participate in scientific misconduct in order to acquire funding, or medical staff being intimidated to demonstrate to organizational leadership a willingness to do as directed even when the direction is inappropriate or unethical. As morally wrong as it seems, situations like these in fact do arise in clinical practice, academia and research settings and create ethical conflicts for all healthcare professionals. The magnitude of such ethical quandaries is unprecedented. The rate of cheating and academic dishonesty in higher education for healthcare professionals is of growing concern in the United States. The shortage of healthcare professionals, growing financial constraints, consolidation of healthcare institutions, and ineffective leadership have intensified ethical dilemmas in healthcare organizations and academic institutions. Now, more than ever, these institutions must be led with consistently high professional and ethical standards. Healthcare leadership must foster and support an environment conducive not only to providing high-quality, cost-effective healthcare and education, but also seek to ensure individual ethical behavior and practices1,2.


