
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Successful Treatment of Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis with Reconstruction of Leaflets Using Bovine Pericardium
卷期 27:5
作者 Pai, Ching-ChouTsai, Chieh-SungLee, Chih-HsienTsai, Yi-TingLin, Chih-YuanHong, Gou-Jieng
頁次 225-232
關鍵字 clover techniquetricuspid valve endocarditisMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200710



Surgical treatments for tricuspid valve endocarditis include vegectomy, valvulectomy, valve repair, and valve replacement using cardiopulmonary bypass. Here, we present a case of tricuspid valve endocarditis in a heroin user with intractable infection, multiple pulmonary emboli, and a large vegetation after 2 months of antibiotic therapy. We reconstructed the leaflets with bovine pericardium and repaired the valve with the ‘clover technique’ to preserve the integrity of the tricuspid valve. This technique was described clinically by Alfieri in 2003, and was used to correct posttraumatic tricuspid regurgitation. An echocardiographic study was performed after the cardiopulmonary bypass, at discharge, and at follow-up. It revealed diminished tricuspid regurgitation from a severe preoperative degree to a minimal degree postoperatively and the patient recovered uneventfully.

