
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Study on Patient Satisfaction with Patient-Controlled Analgesia and Related Factors after Abdominal Surgery
卷期 27:5
作者 Chung, Yu-ChuSu, Ching-KanWong, Chih-Shung
頁次 207-214
關鍵字 PCAcognitionpainsatisfactionMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200710



Postoperative pain arises after acute surgical trauma, mostly within 72 hours after surgery. Such pain can be consistently controlled using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) devices. The purpose of this study was to explore patient satisfaction with patient-controlled analgesia and related factors after abdominal surgery. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive correlation design was developed, based on a convenience sample of 101 patients from a northern medical center in Taiwan using a visual analogue scale (VAS) to assess pain. PCA side effect symptom distress, PCA cognition, and patient satisfaction were also examined. Results: The results showed that patients generally had negative cognition about PCA use, as indicated by the mean pain level scores for the first through the third day after surgery, which were 3.8±2.7, 3.1±2.4, and 2.6±2.0, respectively; and that 29% of patients reported pain levels that were moderate or greater (VAS > 5) on the first day. While mean patient satisfaction level was 7.7±1.9, there were no significant differences between cognition, pain intensity, and satisfaction. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between PCA side effect symptom distress and satisfaction. Conclusion: We found that PCA side effect symptom distress was an important factor that influences satisfaction with PCA. This study also found that patients’ cognition of PCA is still insufficient. Therefore, increasing patients’ understanding of PCA, realization of instructions for the use of PCA, and elimination of analgesic side effect symptom distress can help patients avoid pain while increasing the effectiveness and patients’ satisfaction with PCA.

