
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Modified in vitro Method for StudyingTracheal Smooth Muscle Response to Drugs
卷期 27:5
作者 Wang, Hsing-WonWang, Yueh-TingWu, Chi-Chung
頁次 203-206
關鍵字 tracheasmooth musclein vitro studyMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200710



Vascular or nasal mucosal strips have been successfully used to study smooth muscle contractility in vitro. Using the trachea of the rat, we developed a simple and rapid in vitro technique for testing the effects of drugs that induce tracheal constriction or relaxation. Methods: We used our preparation to test the effectiveness of acetylcholine and methacholine as tracheal contraction drugs and the effectiveness of verapamil as a tracheal relaxing drug. A 5 mm long portion of rat trachea was submersed in 30 ml Kreb’s solution in a muscle bath at room temperature. Changes in tracheal contractility in response to the application of parasympathetic mimetic agents were measured using a transducer connected to a Pentium III computer equipped with polygraphy software. Results: Addition of parasympathetic mimetics to the incubation medium caused the tracheal to contract in a dose-dependent manner. Addition of verapamil, a relaxation agent, induced a relaxation response only when the preparation had been pretreated with a tracheal constricting agent such as methacholine. Responses to verapamil were dose-dependent. Conclusion: The degree of drug-induced tracheal contraction or relaxation is dosedependent. This method could prove useful for studying the effects of drugs on tracheal smooth muscle activity.

