
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 The Influence of Student Learning Styles and Faculty Teaching Preferences on Medical School Approaches to Problem-Based Learning
卷期 27:5
作者 Russell W Jones
頁次 189-196
關鍵字 problem-based learninglearning stylesteaching preferencesMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200710



Medicine is replete with excellent opportunities to effectively apply problem-based learning (PBL). Indeed, the value of PBL closely follows the value of medical education in that both seek to equip students with the ability to solve problems and apply knowledge, skills and abilities far beyond those encountered within any specific learning experience. Of the numerous definitions of PBL, most have four common elements: (1) learning objectives are translated into a problem, (2) successful solutions require an explanation, with a possible diagnosis and treatment options, (3) students use small group discussions to analyse and understand the problem and potential solutions, and (4) questions or issues that are not answered within small group discussion form the basis for further learning outside the group. Advantages of PBL include a focus on “real life” core information; the fostering of valuable transferable skills such as leadership, team work, communication and problem-solving; the encouragement of a deep rather than surface approach to learning; and making curriculum content relevant to applied medical problems. However, no single educational strategy is ideal for all educational situations, and the success of PBL within medical education is very much dependent on knowing when it is best to apply PBL. Disadvantages of PBL include a requirement for teaching faculty to facilitate, rather than directly impart knowledge; a scarcity of teaching faculty with this ability; the need to provide appropriate training in PBL; the time required for students and faculty to fully engage in PBL; knowledge acquired through PBL possibly being less organised than knowledge acquired through traditional learning; and potential time, cost and resource implications.

