
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 The Abdominohypogastric Flap as a Salvage Flap for Composite Wound Coverage of the Forearm and Elbow
卷期 27:4
作者 Tzeng, Yuan-ShengYu, Chien-ChihDai, Niann-TzyyChen, Tim-MoChen, Shao-Liang
頁次 185-188
關鍵字 abdominohypogastric flapforearm and elbow coveragesalvage flapMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200708



Extensive trauma to the upper limb resulting in complex bony fractures and soft-tissue loss usually necessitates extensive freeflap reconstruction to achieve one-stage wound coverage and a satisfactory contour. However, trauma may induce thrombosis of recipient vessels, which may result in failure of the free flap. A groin flap can be used as a salvage flap; the use of groin flaps is usually restricted to soft-tissue coverage of the hand and distal forearm. In this report, we describe an abdominohypogastric flap that was used as a salvage flap for proximal forearm and elbow coverage in two patients in whom free-flap reconstruction was unsuccessful.
