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篇名 清末噶瑪蘭基督徒與漢番社會網絡
卷期 195
並列篇名 Social Networks between Han Chinese and Plains Aborigine Christians in Kavalan (Yilan) during the Late Qing
作者 王政文
頁次 141-206
關鍵字 噶瑪蘭基督徒改宗社會網絡KavalanChristianconversionsocial networksTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201703




This paper analyzes the ways in which marginal members of Han Chinese and Plains Aborigine communities in Qing-dynasty Kavalan 噶瑪蘭 (Yilan 宜蘭) established new social networks following their conversion to Christianity. Close attention is paid to conversion processes as well as the roles such networks played therein. There is also a detailed description of the educational, work-related, and marital networks created by Han Chinese and Plains Aborigine converts, as well as how their presence reflects the interaction of Western and indigenous forms of knowledge. The eventual decline of the Kavalan church appears to have been due to outward migration, which disrupted the networks that had been previous established.
