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篇名 山西、河北等地崔府君信仰的當代復興
卷期 195
並列篇名 The Revival of the Cult of Cui Fujun in Shanxi and Hebei
作者 王華艷
頁次 079-140
關鍵字 崔府君信仰長治磁縣山西河北修廟道教靈媒cult of Cui FujunChangzhiCixianShanxiHebeitemple reconstructionDaoismspirit mediumsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201703


本文通過介紹崔府君信仰在在當代的復興,來探討華北地區民間信仰 當下的生存境遇。崔府君信仰興起於十世紀中國北方的河北、山西地區,至 今仍活躍在民間。筆者通過對長治和磁縣等地周圍26 個府君廟近幾年來的 修復過程考察,首先從修廟的發起者和動機來區分幾種不同的修復類型,如 「官修」或「民修」。在分析過程中選擇典型的實例,來探討廟宇在城鄉不同 空間的生存發展狀態,信仰活動的主要參與者和推動者,及其為恢復和保持 信仰活動所採取的手段和措施。然後圍繞廟內的信仰活動,全面勾勒這一民 間信仰的面貌,尤其是求雨和求子功能;並結合歷史分析廟內道教和靈媒活 動影響的消長。最後一部分試圖揭示府君廟在當地信仰和廟宇系統中的位 置。本文大部分使用實地考察的一手資料,如廟的建築和塑像圖像資料,廟 內的文字資料,尤其是碑刻,以及各種不同人物的口述資料。


This paper examines the state of popular religion in northern China based on a study of the recent revival of the cult of Cui Fujun 崔府 君. The worship of this deity has been practiced in the north China for over one thousand years, especially in Hebei 河北 and Shanxi 山西. Based on several years of historical and ethnographic research on the revival of 26 Cui Fujun temples in the region, especially around the cities of Changzhi 長治 and Cixian 磁縣, this paper analyzes different modalities of temple reconstruction, including “official” and “popular,” with specific cases highlighted to assess the diverse conditions (rural or urban) in which temples survived and developed, as well as the temple activists (devotees and managers) who mobilize resources to preserve and promote cult worship. In addition, the paper considers religious practices in these temples so as to shed light on two features of Cui Fujun worship: praying for rain or offspring plus the roles of Daoist priests and spirit mediums. The last part of the paper focuses on the place of Cui Fujun temples in local alliance networks as observed during public events such as temple fairs and collective ceremonies to pray for rain. Most of the sources used in this paper were collected during fieldwork, including architectural and iconographic works, epigraphic sources, and interview data.
