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篇名 動畫色彩計畫研究—美、日成功商業動畫長片色彩計畫比較
卷期 27
並列篇名 Color Planning in Animation- Comparison and Analysis of Color Planning in Blockbuster Animation of Films of US and Japan
作者 張凱翔鐘世凱
頁次 059-078
關鍵字 動畫色彩計畫色彩擴散鏡位Animationcolor plancolor-spreadingcamera shots
出刊日期 201610


色彩是一部電影的核心之一,在動畫中色彩尤其重要,美麗的色彩引人入勝為觀眾創造一 個夢幻的時空,本文基於RGB 的擷取比較與分析,在鏡頭的架構於表現上討論色彩的使用,並 希望能推論並歸納出動畫大師的用色,並希望在電影的世界中一窺其堂奧。 動畫中的色彩規畫是本研究的重心;他山之石可以攻玉,美日成功商業動畫更是巨人之肩, 我們藉由研究日本宮崎駿與西方皮克斯各壹部成功鉅作,作為樣本,從科學的定量分析著手, 進入電影的定性風格分析與美學設計架構,探討綜觀2D 與3D 動畫世界的色彩表現,並結合運 鏡手段,歸納出動畫本身的空間性如何被延展,時間氛圍如何被建構,總論成一套可應用、驗 證並幫助設計的美學方法假說。此研究成果期待能做為臺灣發展3D 動畫電影有關色彩美學之重 要參考文獻。


Color is an essential part of a film, but this is especially true of animated features. Vibrant colors can help to create an engaging dream space for the audiences. This paper will focus on the comparison and analysis of RGB captures, as well as frame composition, to discuss the practical use of colors in animation. Color planning in animation is the focus of this study. We'll discuss the works of Hayao Miyazaki and Pixar, and the proceed to look into quantitative analysis and its application in creating a film's style and aesthetic design. The goal is for this research to be used as a key reference for Taiwan's future development of color aesthetics in 3D animated films.
