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篇名 幼兒園環境色彩之應用現況研究—以臺北市四所幼兒園為例
卷期 27
並列篇名 A Study on Environmental Color Design and Applications of Four
作者 郭洳君蕭惠君
頁次 029-058
關鍵字 幼兒園幼兒園空間設計空間色彩preschoolspatial designspatial color
出刊日期 201610


隨著社會結構的變遷與對於學前教育的重視,幼兒園也逐漸思考如何藉由空間設計規劃與 營造,給予兒童一個可體驗、與幼兒發展階段相符的一個『優質學習』的空間。色彩在空間中 適時扮演一個情感與感知的催化劑,應用在幼兒園各功能性空間時,更可扮演賦予空間表情、 定義空間特質、引發情緒、並助益學習之重要的角色。 本研究利用文獻分析、多重個案探討與12 位幼兒園環境色彩設計相關人員之深入訪談,瞭 解目前臺北市四所新改裝之幼兒園所之環境色彩規劃與應用現況及其色彩設計原則,同時歸納 分析出幼兒園環境色彩設計考量與原則,以提供未來規劃幼兒園環境規劃設計之參考。 本研究發現,幼兒園空間色彩的設計,除了考量園所的歷史背景、辦學理念、空間限制、 特色課程等因素外,也結合園所環境和師生需求,進行空間的良適環境的規劃。並依據各個功 能性空間欲營造的氣氛,配合幼兒的活動,利用顏色的正面感知功效,來取得各空間色彩之搭 配平衡,例如在園區外觀之辦學理念色彩呈現、多功能教室的中性穩定色彩應用、遊戲區的活 潑對比色彩展現、廁所中明亮正向色彩配置等,並藉由適時留白,保留部分空間色彩的可變更 性,讓教師與幼兒可以因應時節、活動或喜好來賦予空間顏色,讓空間色彩的呈現可以更活潑 多樣,藉此讓幼兒在幼兒園中得以穩定情緒、提升活力、降低恐懼以達到最佳的保育以及學習 成效。


Along with the structural changes of society, the emphasis on pre-school education has been domestically increasing, while preschool programs are now placing greater importance on planning and building their environment in hopes of providing children with better childcare surroundings. When appropriate, colours can play a role as a catalyst for affection and perception; applied to preschool spaces of varying functionalities, they can play important roles with regards to giving spatial expressions, defining spatial characteristics, triggering emotions, and aiding learning. This study uses literature analysis, numerous discussions on case studies, and in-depth interviews with 12 industry members whose work is related to colour designs for preschool environments in order to understand four of Taipei City’s newly renovated preschools. In terms of their environmental colour planning, present state of usage, and principles of colour design. Furthermore, this research summarizes and analyses general design principles and considerations for preschool environmental colouring to serve as a future reference for kindergarten environmental planning, so that environmental planning for younger children may be further developed and designed. In addition to considering such factors as the preschool’s historical background, establishment principles, space limitations, and specialty lessons, this research finds that a driving goal when designing a preschool’s environmental colouring, is to plan a suitable spatial environment that combines student and teacher needs with campus surroundings. Examples include the presentation of the campus’s exterior colour that hints at the establishment’s principles, the neutral, stable colours in the multi-purpose classrooms, the lively, contrasting colours in the play area, the bright, positive colour arrangement in the bathrooms, and so on. Furthermore, by suitably reserving certain colours, the design retains some spatial colouring flexibility, such that teachers and children may add colours to spaces as seasons, holidays, activities or preferences may deem appropriate. This gives more variety and liveliness to the spatial colouring, which helps the kindergarteners with emotional stability, increasing energy, decreasing fright, and obtaining optimal results for childcare and learning.
