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篇名 客家創意服飾設計要素探索
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Exploration of design Elements of Hakka Creative Clothing
作者 楊舜云葉雯玓
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 客家服飾文化認同設計要素文化創新Hakka ClothingCultural IdentityDesign ElementsCultural Innovation
出刊日期 201610




Many beautiful, modern Hakka creative clothing had not been recognized as "Hakka" by the Hakka people of today. It shows that the innovative design of ethnic dress is not merely beautification and commercialization issues, but the issues about cultural expressions and ethnic identity. Through documentary analysis, this paper selected the Hakka elements and design performance that usually use in Hakka creative clothing to construct a questionnaire, in order to explore the participants’ identification degree of these elements. Furthermore, this study compared the difference of identification degree between the non-Hakka people, Hakka people, and Hakka culture experts. The results of this study found that Hakka people tended to give higher ratings to the original elements of Hakka traditional clothing than the new elements such as Tung-Flower and Hakka Floral Fabric. And Hakka culture experts tend to link the Hakka specifically to Taiwan and their place here rather than stressing only their ancestral connection to the Central Plains.
